
Thursday, July 31, 2008

(星期二那天只是试工, 所以没工钱拿) 今天终于正式开工, 一个小时十块钱 (赚钱真辛苦!) 在澳洲十块算是很低的工钱了. 因为老板是华人, 所以比较吝啬! 在这如果跟 "ang mo" 打工, 工钱至少也有 $17 @ $18. 只怪我命苦, 为什么找不到高工钱的工作???

今天我学会了怎样做 "Ice Coffee, Ice Chocolate & Ice mocha". 也学了一点做 "Crepe" 的技巧. 也算有收获啦...

After working (TIRED)

My 1st working experience at Perth

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

1st day, I had learn all the basic things. How to make milkshake, tea and all the cleaning. Other then that, I improve my cutting skill, i had cut one big box of mushroom into thinly slice, strawberry, and spring onion. Cutting mushroom is really killing me, imagine 1 BIG box! The boss keep on saying that have to make it fast fast fast!!! If not the mushroom will turn into black. (ei boss, I am new! be considerate a bit la)
The most angry thingy is that I work for free!! 6 hours my gosh!!

So damn tired!! Working under people is not that easy. So next time I must have my own business and all the people work under me, lolz!

Besides, I had ask to memorize all the stupid recipe. i was wonder how come they cant just provide one beside for refering while doing the foods?

New Semester Start

Monday, July 28, 2008

Having 6 hours class continuously is really tiring! 1st class is "Business Capstone". To complete our tasks, we have been divided into group. 1 of my group member is 'ang mo' o, lol... The class was so boring, 3 hours listening to the lecturer bla bla bla, i was wondering how come the lecturer got so much saliva to talk =.=

After the 3 hours BCap, I have another 3 more hours to go for Taxation. Arg!!! My eyes were half way closing while the lecturer was giving lecture. haha...

After finish the class at 8.24pm, rain heavily outside again, and it was freaking cold!!! How can I get home?!! using bus lo, lol! luckily there were still have buses available...


Sunday, July 27, 2008

今天终于把"最美丽的第七天" (连续剧) 看完了. 以下是我从剧中觉得有意义, 想跟大家分享:

"上帝创造天地万物, 做了七天的时间. 她将最美丽的事物, 都放在世人的面前. 所以人生在世, 无论你经过什么, 只要你懂的珍惜, 一切都可以是最美好的..."

  • "只要你懂的珍惜, 一切都可以是最美好的..." 试问又有几人可以做到(珍惜眼前已有的人和物)呢?

上帝把所有的门都关上了, 但她还是会留一扇窗给我们..."

  • 所以遇到困难时, 不要一直钻牛角尖, 只要你肯跨前一步, 或许你会发现原来那些难题都是自找的.

"分开是为等待重逢, 经历考验的爱情, 才能牢固, 才是真爱的开始..."


Saturday, July 26, 2008

坐了一正天的巴士, 真是累死了!

七早八早坐巴士到 Belmont (50++ minutes), 就为了确认 McDonald 的地点, 好让我星期二可以顺利到达, 完成我的工作面试. (=.=)

Alice 打电话给 Pei Yee 说 Garden City's Donut King 要请人, 我们立刻搭巴士回家 ---> Print resume , 然后出发去 Garden City (50++ minutes)

交了 Resume 到 Donut King, 顺便试试对面的 Crepe cafe, 交了 Resume, 直接就给我 Interview, 叫我下星期二去试试.

Happy and worry at the same time.. Dunno what's wrong with it but i just do not know what is my actual feeling at this moment.. Weird.. Anyway, hope that donut king employ me and Hopefully i can get more shifts on public holidays (higher pay for those days.. keke!!)..

~ Waiting for bus ~

钱! 钱! 钱!

Friday, July 25, 2008

"钱不是万能, 没钱万万不能"... 经常把这句话挂在嘴边的他, 我总是反对他的想法. 或许是因为我总喜欢跟他唱反调, 希望在他心中我可以比钱重要 (幼稚的想法).
如今, 离开父母到外地读书, 才发现 "没钱万万不能" 这道理.

在澳大利亚, 一切都须要钱, 什么都贵. 长大了, 不好意事经常跟父母要钱, 所以什么都省. 真希望我有用不完的钱!!! (幻想)

今天 Pei Yee (housemate) 可说是满载而归, 而我却两手空空, 悲哀~
幸好我还有丰富的午餐, 但如果每天这样吃法, 肯定肥死我... Lol~


今天宝贝心血来潮流说要 "Shopping" , 难得他有这种兴致, 我当然举手赞成! Pei Yee 说要买靴子, 找了好几间鞋店都没什有适合的. 在我们要放弃时, 我试穿一双我从来不会多看一眼的鞋子, 穿上以后大家都说好看, 所以就这样我又多了一双鞋. @.@

"I Love Burberry~" LOL

22 July 08

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

2 years 9 months anniversary, bao bei bought me a "GUESS" handbag!!!!! bao bei, love u so much!! MUAKZ! Wish we can be happy together forever & ever ~

My First Blog

想了很久 (但懒惰, 所以没行动), 今天终于我的 "第一作品" 面世了!! keke

发现身边的朋友都有自己的 blog, 很感兴趣. 所以自己东摸摸, 西摸摸 (对我这个电脑白痴, 还真不容

易). Finally~ 我做到了, "Yeappy!!"

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